Digital City Experts
We are making administrative staff drivers for digitization.
Welcome to the Digital City Experts project page!
We are an international partner network that aims at making administrative staff drivers for digitalization. The innovation lies in our goal of creating a pan-European platform for knowledge exchange regarding Smart Cities. This mutual learning approach is essential in a domain which is as new as it is important for defining the future of cities. Often, there is a gap between the vision of digitalization and daily work of administrative staff. We want to provide knowledge for those who implement Smart City projects on the local level, across Europe and regardless of town size. The design of future cities reflects societal challenges of our era such as climate change and we shall create dialogue about how this design could eventually look.

Who We Are
The DCEx project consortium consists of six partners from different countries and different fields of activity. Together, we can make use of a vast set of complementary qualities.

Zentrum für Digitale Entwicklung GmbH
A strategic consultancy specializing in digitalization and Smart Cities with an adjacent Smart City Academy.

Future Place Leadership AB
Nordic management consultancy, experts for place branding and urban innovation management with an integrated academy.

Innovazione Apprendimento Lavoro SRL
A major player on the Italian market for vocational and continuous training, with focus on change management and digitalization.

Tampere University
Tampere University information and knowledge management unit is focussing on the impact of information systems on e-learning and digital transformation.

Schmiede Hallein
An innovation space developping ideas for digital culture. Thus, Schmiede is located at the crossroads between arts, digitalization and entrepreneurship.

IHK Projektgesellschaft mbH
Subsidiary of the Eastern Brandenburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry specializing in Continuous Vocational Education and Training.
DCEx Final Conference and Project Meeting
From February 22nd through 24th 2023, the DCEx team gathered in Westhausen, Germany, once again. Georg Würffel, authorised signatory at the ZDE,...
DCEx autumn update 2022
Hello Europe! The last few months have been very busy on our end. The main event was, of course, our Summer School in Tampere. It was a truly...
Bootcamps Tampere and Heidenheim successfully completed!
Hello Europe! We have great news: Our first Smart City Bootcamps in Tampere and heidenheim have been a great success. On cool locations, we have...
May 2022: Smart City Bootcamps Tampere & Heidenheim
Hello Europe! We have exciting news: Not only has spring finally arrived in Heidenheim, preparation of two of our multiplier events is in full...
DCEx Spring Update 2022
Hello Europe! Even though the pandemic is still very much present in our everyday lives, DCEx is making constant progress. We had numerous digital...
DCEx Spring School successfully completed
Finally, the DCEx project team had a chance to meet in person: our Spring School, which turned into a de-facto Summer School due to yet another...
What we do
Our project has four defined inellectual outputs (IOs). In addition, we will organize multiplier events and Smart City Summer Schools tagged as „Smart City bootcamps“ in several European countries. There, stakeholders of all kinds will be invited to discuss relevant aspects of city digitalization to enhance a better understanding of the topic within societies.
Milestone 1 is an online-based Knowledge and Exchange Platform where we provide online courses and learning material concerning digitalization competence, targeted at staff from regional entities as well as small and medium sized towns. We want to create a common understanding of the topic and break down some common prejudice.
Milestone 2 is a Training Curriculum which introduces learners to the Smart City concept, establishing the right foundation for solution development, deriving a digitalization strategy, expanding digital skills of administrative staff and communicating innovative projects to stakeholders and citizens. The curriculum is applicable across Europe.
Milestone 3 is a Smart Education Kit, consisting of learning and communication materials such as simple video tutorials and a “Smart City MOOC” (Massive Open Online Course) on core aspects of Smart Cities, for example on the management of smart infrastructure, responsive city administration or safer public spaces. Materials developped in milestone 3 may be used flexibly on the knowledge and exchange platform (milestone 1) or elsewhere, depending on the respective learning scenario.
Milestone 4 is a Smart City Handbook which will serve to guide and convince sceptics and traditionalist educators within municipalities of the advantages of Smart Cities. It is crucial for the success of a Smart City project to involve this part of the target group which usually prefers tangible products over digital papers. This way, barriers in dealing with Smart Cities can be lowered and public awareness raised.
Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!
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We will do our best to respond as quickly as possible.
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